Let Me Help You
You Have A Friend In Need
A person near and dear to you is a smoker. You are afraid for that person's life, truly afraid. You know that cigarette smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer. You also know that there are numerous diseases that are associated with smoking which can render your loved one incapacitated or even dead. That's not all. The second-hand smoke is hurting those who are around the smoker. It's a tough place and you want to help.
This Won't Be The Easiest Thing In The World
Quitting smoking can potentially be a very long and difficult process. There are people who have been able to put their cigarettes down and quit, never to pick them up again. That does not seem to be the norm, though. Every day requires a conscious decision not to smoke. Some days may be easier than others. As a person who cares about the one who is trying to conquer the habit of smoking, there are some things you can do to help the process.
There Are Things You Can Do To Help...
Respect the fact that the quitter is in charge of his or her lifestyle and the challenge is his or hers, not yours. Ask if the person wants your input or a visit to touch base to see how things are going. Let the quitter know that it is okay to contact you for help, someone to talk to or just some words of encouragement. You can help the quitter stay stocked up on candies to suck on or fresh veggies in the fridge to snack on.
Spend time with the quitter. Take in a movie or go for a long walk or bike ride to help the person get past the nicotine fit. Do what you can to help lighten the stress of quitting-perhaps help with chores around the house, child care or cooking. Be sure to celebrate small successes along the way. Quitting takes a lot of willpower and can be the source of a lot of stress. Every day without a cigarette is a big deal.
...And Things You Can Do That Won't Help
Save the preaching for another time. Nagging, judging and finger wagging serve no purpose other than to make the smoker feel worse about him or herself. The temptation to turn to a cigarette for comfort is heightened when the person feels badly or has hurt feelings. Nicotine withdrawal can turn a very pleasant person into a rather unpleasant one, so don't take the quitter's grumpiness as a personal affront. The symptoms will pass, usually in a couple of weeks. The quitter probably doesn't want your advice either. Ask what you can do to help with the plan or program and do your best to fill the need.
Be A Friend Indeed
When a person makes the decision to quit smoking that person is choosing to have a better quality of life. It may be a long haul, but the end result is well worth the effort. One of the most valuable assets a quitter can have is the support and encouragement of people who care.