Teenage Smoking

Teenage smoking is usually a result of peer pressure. Others tend to do it because they think it is cool and that it makes them older or wiser. Parents who smoke are likely to pass the habit along to their children, so it is important to teach them reasons why they shouldn't do it. And to avoid the danger of second hand smoking, you should take care not to smoke around your children, no matter how old they are. Second hand smoking can kill young children, teenagers and adults. Health risks are always possible.

Startling Teenage Smoking Statistics

Statistics show that every minute, four thousand eight hundred teens will take their first drag of smoke from a cigarette. Out of that number, approximately two thousand will continue to on to become a chain smoker. It is very disturbing that despite the millions of dollars being spent on antismoking campaigns, the number of teenage smoking is still steadily increasing. Research studies also show that eighty percent of smokers who are adults began smoking as a teenager. Studies show that many people find nicotine is necessary to suppress appetite, for stimulation after sex and nerve suppression.

You may hear a lot of people say they need a cigarette when they are stressed out. Teenage smoking is the same way. It is a psychological and physical addition to nicotine. People not only crave the tobacco, but have moments when they are thinking about it to soothe them. This causes people to smoke twice as much.

Teenage smoking is also a result of wanting to be tough or bad. Smoking seems to allure teenagers because it is known as something "forbidden". The idea of breaking the law and disobeying their parents is appealing, so they begin smoking one cigarette after another until they are hooked and unable to stop. Smoking also generates attention, which many teenagers crave.

Recreational Smoking

Cigarettes are looked upon as the entryway to other recreational street drugs like pot and cocaine. Studies show that teens between the ages thirteen and seventeen who smoke daily are much more likely to begin street drugs. The earlier children begin cigarettes, the more likely they will continue to do it throughout adulthood. It is said that it takes more than one cigarette to get addicted, but since more and more nicotine chemicals are being added, there is no telling. Once teenage smoking is obtained, they may be addicted for life.

Common cigarette experiences among the teenage crowd include trying their first cigarette in the sixth or seventh grade, not doing well in school, feeling left out at school, becoming isolated from other students, not being good at school sports, feelings of little hope of getting into college, experiencing peer pressure, experimenting with recreational street drugs and enjoying the thrill of hiding their habit.

It is important that parents and mentors discuss the dangers of cigarettes and nicotine addiction. By eliminating the first step of consuming tobacco can shut the door to the use of other drug substances. Do what you can to keep your teen from getting hooked on cigarettes!