
A cigarette is consumed via smoking, being a product made from of cured and finely cut tobacco leaves and reconstituted tobacco. It's then combined with other ingredients and rolled into a cylinder wrapped in paper, usually less than 120 mm in length and 10 mm in diameter. The cigarette is used by lighting one end on fire and inhaling filtered smoke through the other end. The term cigarette, as commonly used, refers to a tobacco cigarette but can apply to similar devices containing other herbs, such as cannabis.

Cigarettes have been shown to be highly addictive, as well being a prominent cause of multiple types of cancer, circulatory disease, heart disease, respiratory disease, as well as physical and mental birth defects and emphysema. The main ingredient in cigarettes is tobacco.

Harvesting Tobacco

Tobacco is harvested in two different ways. Sometimes, the whole plant is harvested at once by cutting off the stalk at the ground with a sickle. In the nineteenth century tobacoo began to be harvested by farmers pulling free individual leaves as they ripened. This is viable because the leaves ripen from the ground.  Usually, a field of tobacco will go through several pullings before the whole crop is harvested, which in turn allows stalks to decompose and fertilize the soil.

Over time, tolerance and dependence develop. The quantity, frequency, and speed of absorption have a direct correlation the strenght of the addiction or dependence. Each different method of tobacco consumption has a different amount of nicotine that will be absorbed into the user's bloodstream.

The Spanish word "tabaco" is commonly thought to be originally from the Arawakan language, particularly the Taino language of the Caribbean. The word is mean to refer to a roll of the tobacco leaves, or possibly to the pipe, which was often shaped so that more than one person could use it. The leaves themselves were usually referred to as Cohiba, which could also mean medical herbs.

The difference between a cigarette and a cigar is that a cigarette is smaller, it uses of processed leaf, and has white paper wrapping. Cigars are usually made entirely of whole-leaf tobacco. Cigarettes contain nicotine, a toxic addictive stimulant. Cigarettes and cigars both deliver smoke to the lungs immediately and produce a rapid psychoactive effect. They stimulate the brain, heart, and adrenal glands, enhancing learning and memory.

Cigarettes are a Cause for Concern

Today, cigarettes are a major health concern in the United States and the rest of the world, as they account for many of the deaths caused by lung cancer, which is the most deadly form of cancer in existence for men. Women, on the other hand, die mostly from breast cancer.